Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Vacation time

This week is a crazy one...our church is having it's Vacation Bible School this week and though I'm not working in it this year our youngest son is. It seems to always be a crazy yet very fun week. Our daughter (middle child) is away on a mission trip this week also. She is in Memphis, TN. in the inner city doing work on homes that need repairs. It's a great ministry that meets the physical needs of mainly senior adults, our prayer for her and the rest of the team is that they will be the hands of Christ in all they do. This coming weekend I hope will prove to be an exciting one... Doug Lewis is coming in view of a call to become our pastor. From all God is revealing I am confident that this is His man for our church at this time. We have been without a pastor for a year now and are ready for a new chapter to begin in our church. Not that we haven't had great pastors fill in each week!!! I guess I better go I need to start planning our vacation to Dallas....so many details to figure out so little time.

Have a blessed day

Monday, June 2, 2008

Happy Summer

Hi all, I hope that June came in with a bit of sun and warmth for you. Just to catch you up...last Thursday was suppose to be my last day at work but God has other plans. No one has put in their application either for the summer position or for the full time one. I know that God has a plan He just isn't ready for me to see all of it yet. God is so good and I know he has great things planned for both me and for the person who will take over the library. Well for now that is all, hope you have a great week and a wonderful summer.

Have a blessed day